About Annet

My name is Annet van de Ven and together with my husband I live in a beautiful small village in the south of the Netherlands.
I have been creative all my life making clothes, until I discovered painting in 1994. I can immerse/lose myself completely in the creation process and free my thoughts, wunderful!
But in painting I can really fully express my energy and creativity and I create what comes to mind at that moment and what I find beautiful.
Over the years I have been apprenticed to various artists/teachers and with everyone I have been able to add new techniques, ways of working and thinking to my development. That has led me to be the artist I am today.
I started with Harrie Schreinemacher using watercolour and ink. It was wonderful to discover all those colours and possibilities. With Harrie I learned that even with coffee you can do fun things on a canvas.
After Harrie passing away I joined Monique Romeijn. I started working with acrylic paint on canvas and discovered that this makes the colours even more striking. Combining abstract and natural shapes was also discussed here. And by using different materials such as acrylic, ink and oil paint, brushes, a palette knife, but especially using my fingers, I create magic on the canvas.
During the next stage in my development at the Venray Arts Center, under the supervision of Roel Sanders, I learned giving more depth to my paintings by working layer upon layer. This gave me new insights and new inspiration to start mixing all the techniques I had developed so far.
And nowadays I paint at Roland Fieten studio, where I have noticed that figurative painting also provides me with great inspiration, as well as flowers, landscapes and people.
Especially with the possibilities that acrylic paint offers and the use of many bright colours, creating a beautifully colourful whole. In this colourful whole, you as a viewer or owner of the painting, can discover something new every time!